Sunday, June 26, 2011


So.................yeah. It has its ups and downs. I have by NO MEANS lived a perfect life. I have made many many mistakes. If I were to take a single one of them back I would be in a completely different place and a completely different person. I love my life. If I didn't lose my precious daughter (Stevie) I would not be where I am today. It took me a long time and many many times of asking, "Why!!??" to understand that it was for a reason. If it wasn't for losing that precious little girl I would not have these precious little boys. There was a reason that God took her so early. We (my ex husband and I) were about to move to Fort Campbell Kentucky before that happened. When we lost her we had to make funeral arrangements here in East Texas and take leave for it. Leave that he didn't have. We had to take out a loan for money that we didn't have because a funeral out of state is very expensive. When we finally got back to VA Beach the military changed his orders and sent him to South Korea instead. I moved to DC and then moved back here to East TX about 7 months later. I had to get a job because I had a husband who refused to support me living on my own. That is where I met Craig. At first I thought he was a typical guy working in the shop. One I would never associate with because I was very judgemental. Oops. After hearing him talk about his nieces and nephew (I thought they were his own kids the way he talked about them) I figured he was a pretty decent guy. I became friends with him and not too long after that fell completely in love with him. The rest is history.

We now have two beautiful boys. I love that I chose not to work and stay home with my boys. Yeah....we could have nicer and newer things but being there for my babies' has been so worth it. I wouldn't trade it for anything on Earth. I love that we live a simple life. I love that we know what is truly important in life. THINGS are NOT important. You don't take a single thing with you when it is your time to go. Of course it is nice to live comfortably. I know that from experience but you have to look at what is comfortable and what is important. You may have nice things because you work hard but you can't take those nice things with you when you are gone.
Family is by far the most important thing you have here on this Earth. Our time here is so very limited and you have to seize every single opportunity to be happy and live to the fullest. Does the drama really matter in the grand scheme of things? I don't think so in the tiniest bit. When you are in your last moments of your life do you want to wish that you had done more? Lived more? LOVED more? I don't. Life is too short to not have the ones you love around you. And on that note it is also definitely too short to have horrible people around you!! 
I am beyond blessed. I couldn't ask for more out of my life. I have an absolutely astonishing family and group of friends. The relationships I have with those people are unbelievable. I truly believe that some things are worth fighting for but some things are so out of our control. Some people and situations just have to be left to the MAN UP STAIRS to straighten out.
Look at what is really important.
Sorry if none of that tied in together to you but it all made perfect sense to me in the moment. :)

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